+MODO 2021
+MODO impresses in its play with dimensions.
+MODO impresses in its play with dimensions.
+MODO 在立面呈現的設計令人印象深刻。 檯面和櫥櫃為分離狀態,形成一壯觀且具創造力的底座。 拉出式擱板也可以起到增加空間的作用。 在 設計師Jorge Pensi 鮮明的設計中,檯面橫跨下方的櫥櫃,看起來像是漂浮在空中, 由此產生的空間便成為儲放餐具和個人配件的展示舞台。
+MODO impresses in its play with dimensions. Worktop and cabinetry are offset against one another to form an exhilarating constellation. Pull-out shelves also play with the idea of offsetting space. In the unmistakable design language of Jorge Pensi, the worktop spans the cabinets below appearing to float. The resulting free space becomes a stage for utensils and personal accessories.
Extraordinary materials from the +MODO collection are also implemented to make exclusive accessories.
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